From time
immemorial, the good and the bad have co-existed in the world. Across societies
around the world, instances of the bad causing the ugliest of experiences have
always existed. Such acts do not merely end with just their occurrence but also
leave an unhealed and unbearable wound on the victim’s life. The pages of
history stand testimony to the bitter fact that it is mostly men who have been
the ones to orchestrate the worst of acts that are humanely possible. Some of
these acts haunt us in general, while the relatively or
rather stereo-typically referred to as the weaker sections of
society are victims at large.
Topping the list of the heinous acts committed by this
most proclaimed section of society is a rape. Technically speaking, the word
means an act that forces someone to have sex against their will. Is it really
so simple and naive, as an act? A rape, once committed, leaves the woman’s soul
tore into pieces and she is left with a challenge to rise from it and live.
What adds to her pain and agony is the way society treats her. They often
accuse her of being responsible for what she had gone through. Victim-blaming
is what the majority of the so-called intellectuals of the society do.

Courtesy: Google Images
Is our ethnocentrism justified? First, we are
incapable of protecting our women and on top of that, we blame them for what
happens to them. Isn’t victim blaming just an excuse to prevent ourselves from
accepting the fact that our men need to be tamed and sensitised? This attitude
of always making women conscious that they should not get raped is neither fair
nor justifiable. Why not try and make our men understand that they should not
rape? The ruthless, cruel and imbecile men in today’s society need to be told
that you can’t take out your frustrations on women; be it through a rape or
domestic violence. It should be strongly placed in their beings that
frustrations caused due to their own failures in life doesn’t give them a right
to spoil someone else’s life. Majority of the people who actually want a
solution to this issue instead of just making false promises like the
government are of the same opinion. They strongly feel that sensitisation of
men is the way forward.
Images Courtesy: Google Images
In spite of this, there would still be a section of
men, high on ego and superiority who would continue to indulge in acts like
these. For such men, or rather animals that are incapable of social conduct,
chemical castration and capital punishment should be imposed by the law. For
once, the bureaucrats and the people who apparently govern this country should
state an example to the rest of the world. Men, specifically rapists, unable to
control their sexual drive should be subjected to chemical castration. This
would guarantee the elimination of one sexual animal from society every single
time it’s conducted. More times this is implemented; more would be the number
of secured women in society.
Image Courtesy: Google Images
Today’s men need to decide whether they want to be on the good side or
the bad. Either they live like a true man with dignity and self-respect,
guaranteeing women the same quality of life or they succumb to their evil
desires and commit such heinous crimes, defeating the whole notion of humanity.
Existence like that of an animal or a man - is a question that needs some serious thought.
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