Sunday 30 December 2012

Why can’t people just move on?

If choices make our life, relationships drive it. No matter what stage of the life we are going through, relationships always affect the way we perceive our life. Relationships of all kinds, be it with the family, friends, colleagues or with the one you love, seem to decide whether you feel happy or not, at a particular stage of your life. Expecting every relationship to be a worthy one, we try our best changing ourselves according to it and trying to adapt accordingly. We tend it give it so much of importance at times that we start pursuing our happiness in them.

What happens when it does not turn out to be the way we want it to be? Majority of us feel hurt and tend to feel that everything has gone wrong. Often it leads people into depression and a stage where they lose their self-confidence. Surprisingly, some start blaming themselves and decide to live a life of solitude. One should understand that relationships when put to the test by time and reality, come out with their real worth. Any strong relationship passes the test where as the weaker ones fail miserably. When such relationships come to a standstill, it’s a warning to end them and move on, rather than taking it as a part of your past for the rest of the life.

One needs to understand that trying to hang on to such relationships never helps in the longer run. It either ends up with a guilt or regret, as to why did not you end it before? Logically, if you can’t see a possible future in a relationship, then what’s the point in extending it to a stage where it would become more difficult for you to end it? The time when a relationship becomes nothing more than a burden, should be the time when you should end it and move on in life. In the longer run, you will realise that what you did was for your own good. Sometimes, you need to be practical in life rather than just thinking emotionally. Let it go and you’ll feel good.

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